Quote of the Week:
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.
- Martin Luther -
Are You
- Confident
- Courageous
- Capable
- Creative
- Self-Aware
- Independent
- Flexible
- Insiteful
- Adventurous
- Fun Loving
- Playful
- Enthusiastic about Life
Then read on.
If you ever questioned who you are, what brings you joy in life, or where you want your life to go, this blog is for you. Is it difficult for you to have fun or be happy? Find out why, and what to do about it, here. If your self-confidence and self-esteem need a boost, this site will help with that.
Clear away confusion and become confident in what you want and in your ability to get it.
There are weekly blog activities and information to help you grow more confident, inspiring quotes to get you off to a great start each day, and "how to" videos to guide you through many of the problems that come up in life.
This blog site is here specifically to help women become strong and confident but men may benefit from the information too. Guys, just know the wording is going to be gender specific for the ladies.
I just got this site going so check back weekly for new blog posts and content. If you'd like to suggest a topic for a blog post, let me know, I'm happy to address the specific issues of my readers as much as I can.
Blog Posts to Help You Become More Confident
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Hello, I'm Jeannette (J ah net' tey) and I started this blog as a way to help women understand they can be and do more than they ever dreamed. I didn't always see myself as a capable, strong, confident woman. Even though I was able to do many things others thought were amazing, I didn't see them that way. It took the help from some insightful people to get me to finally realize how awesome I am and how much more awesome I can be. Now I want to help you realize
If you want to know more about me, and my struggles going from confused to confident, check out my bio
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